
Nedan villkor reglerar din (”kund”,”användare”,”du”) tillgång till (”Fritzell”) och användning av dess tjänster och produkter. ägs och drivs av Fritzell & Co AB med organisationsnummer 556840-9014. Fritzell kan när som helst ändra eller modifiera webbplatsen, inklusive tjänster och innehåll. För att säkerställa ökad medvetenhet om dina rättigheter och skyldigheter som användare och kund rekommenderar vi att du läser dessa villkor varje gång du besöker denna webbplats. Användaren tar ansvar för användningen av denna webbplats i enlighet med reglerna i dessa villkor. Fritzell ger kund försäkran om att våra produkter och tjänster är av hög kvalitet. Om kund inte är nöjd med sitt köp kan kund kontakta Fritzell för att på bästa sätt få hjälp med sitt ärende enligt dessa villkor.


The prices for the products are described on the website in SEK (Swedish crowns) including VAT. Prices and products are subject to change at any time. The final price for a product and for the customer's order is the price shown in the checkout at the time of the customer's order, including VAT. Fritzell may occasionally offer promotional discounts. The user must accept the terms of the promotion to benefit from the discount. The user undertakes not to use more than one discount per item, unless such use is expressly permitted by Fritzell. if a product is offered for sale at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical error, a price error or product information, Fritzell reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders for products with the above errors. Fritzell has the right to refuse or cancel such orders regardless of whether they have already been confirmed and the sale has been charged to the customer. If the purchase has already been charged and the order is canceled, Fritzell will immediately issue a credit to the customer or refund the amount in same way as the purchase was made. If Fritzell overprices any product, Fritzell will reimburse you for the difference between the amount charged and the correct price of the product in question.

Right of withdrawal

Once the purchase process is complete and the customer has completed an order, the customer's products can not be changed and the order can not, as a rule, be canceled or cancelled. This is because Fritzell's production flow is automated and the time from order to production is very short. To ensure delivery within short deadlines, each order is processed immediately, which prevents any changes. Products ordered on the website are specially manufactured according to the customer's instructions and can not be appropriated by Fritzell in any other way than to the customer. The customer's right to cancel the purchase is declared invalid according to the Distance Agreements and Off-premises Agreements Act 2005:59 Chapter 2 §11 and the customer' right to cancel the purchase according to the Purchase Act 1990:931 §26. This is accepted by the customer at the time of the ordering. The customer can always contact us at and state the order number to see if there is an option to cancel the order. In situations where the customer's order has defects in the form of damage or obvious errors caused by Fritzell, the customer can cancel their purchase and be refunded the amount paid by the customer at the time of ordering. Read conditions and procedure under Return policy.


Requirements for uploading images and print files.

You agree that you will not use this website to produce offensive, illegal, harmful or other actions that offend other individuals, brands or companies. In the event of infringement of third party rights through the fulfillment of the print assignment, you release us from all claims and claims for damages, which may be asserted against us as a result thereof, as well as costs of legal defense.

It is the customer's responsibility and obligation to check their product before ordering:

Customer's spelling, punctuation or grammar errors. Poor quality or low resolution of uploaded images. Design error made by the customer (uploaded print file and design created through our design tools). Incorrect choice of product or option such as paper, processing, quantity or other product choice or product option. Incorrect measurements or attributes that do not correspond to our technical print specifications.

Data verification

Before a product can be ordered, the customer must verify that all data for the customer's print file is correct by accepting a check box (displayed in the design tools). In the design tools. the final product (print file) is shown under "Preview" and it is this data that the customer accepts. We recommend that you review your print files and your order carefully and correct any errors before placing an order.

Production time

Production time is specified per product and refers to when the customer's product is finished and ready for delivery. When the production time is calculated, it is assumed that the customer's print data is correct and that Fritzell is available at the time of ordering.

Delivery Policy

Fritzell delivers the customer's order according to the information provided to us. Products are delivered as soon as possible on the condition that we have received the customer's correct print data.

Partial delivery

Fritzell has the right to partially deliver the customer's order on the condition that the products in the order can be used separately.

Delivery time

Please note that the delivery time is defined as "Ships from" and not "Delivery to", which means that we aim for your order to leave our production at the specified time, not for the order to be delivered on the specified date. Our delivery time is 5-10 working days. Please note that the delivery time may be delayed in circumstances such as holidays and vacations when staff absences in production may lead to longer production times.

Delivery options (some options are not always available)

Orders are sent with Fritzell's contractual partner (Postnord AB) regarding freight.

Delivery costs

The cost of delivery varies between 20-99 sec, depending on the content.


Ownership and risk of loss of all products ordered by the customer is Fritzell's and is transferred to the customer when the customer signs a receipt that the ordered products have been received. In cases where the customer does not receive their order (without this being justified and confirmed in writing by Fritzell) and wants Fritzell to return the order to the customer, Fritzell charges the customer the cost of returning the product.

Return policy

Customer satisfaction

Fritzell strives to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. In situations where the customer's order does not correspond to the customer's expectations (in case of damage och errors in the order), Fritzell undertakes to correct and reproduce a new product to the customer free of charge, or return the amount paid by the customer at the time of the order.

Fritzell undertakes to produce the customer's order according to the data that the customer has accepted in our design tools. We recommend that the customer review their print file carefully and correct any errors before the customer places an order.

It is the customer's responsibility and obligation to check their product before ordering.

Fritzell takes no responsibility for errors that the customer is responsible for checking (see "Production and print files").

As a rule, a return based on the above will not be accepted by Fritzell.

Return one or more products

To return one or more products, the customer must contact Fritzell within fourteen (14) days of receiving the order or partial order. The customer must send an email to with one or more pictures of the product attached together with the order number and a description of what is wrong with the product. The defect must be clearly visible and the image or images must show the entire product. The customer must then wait for a response from Fritzell as to whether the return is justified or not.

Of the return is eligible

If the return is justified, this will be notified in writing by Fritzell and the amount of the returned goods (the total amount of the order including standard shipping) will be returned to the customer, alternatively Fritzell undertakes to produce a new product for the customer free of charge if the customer so desires. Only standard shipping is refunded, no express options or shipping in the addition to standard shipping. The  amount for the returned goods will be refunded within 20 days of the return being approved in writing by Fritzell.

The product or products must be sent properly packaged and you must receive a receipt for the shipment. The customer is responsible for the package/products until they are at Fritzell's disposal. Save the mail's receipt and information about shipping costs as well as any tracking numbers. We do not accept packages that are sent against cash on delivery or similar requirements.

Returns must be sent to:

Fritzell & Co AB , Box 183 , 263 22 Höganäs, Sweden. 

When Fritzell sends a new order because one or more products were defective, you must return the faulty/damaged products within 20 days of the authorized return unless otherwise agreed in writing.

If the return is not eligible

If the return is not justified, this will be notified in writing by Fritzell and the customer will be responsible for all shipping costs, including Fritzell's costs for returning the product to you after inspection. The customer can choose for Fritzell to discard the order instead of sending it back to the customer. This must be notified in writing to Fritzell to the e-mail address

Terms of Use

The user of this website certifies that:

Only register on the website, create a customer account in your own name or on behalf of a legal entity as long as you are authorized to do do, provide accurate information and refrain from creating multiple customer accounts or on behalf of third parties without sufficient authority to do that;

Do not upload, download, publish or send content:

The nature of which is illegal, pornographic, inciting hatred, which violates laws related to child pornography and sexual exploitation of minors, which may cause physical, mental or moral harm to children, which may be offensive in racial, ethnic, social, political, legal, moral or religious terms, or otherwise infringing or which may be infringing on the rights of third parties, including, without limitation, the rights of protection of privacy and intellectual property;

Which may infringe the patent trademark, trade secret, copyright, intellectual or exclusive right of any person or third party. For the avoidance of doubt, the user may only contribute their originals or use image and graphic content provided by Fritzell on the website. This means that the user may not use images of celebrities or products from companies, nor images, texts or graphic designs that have been copied from a third party without the owner's written permission;

Which constitutes or encourages a crime or illegal activity, violates any person's rights or violates any national or international law or regulation;

Which includes the transmission of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or marketing materials, junk mail, spam, chain mail or any other solicitation;

Whose information is false or misleading;

Or any material that contains computer viruses or other computer code, files or programs generated to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of Fritzell's software or hardware;

And not to copy, alter och distribute rights or content on the website, services, tools or Fritzell's trademark and copyright.

User account

The user may not transfer the customer account to another person without Fritzell's prior written consent.

Fritzell reserves the right to suspend any user account created without obligating Fritzell to compensate the user in the event that false or abusive profiles are created regarding the rights of representation or if there is abuse of the website or its services.


Med förbehåll för användarens efterlevnad av villkoren i detta avtal, ger Fritzell användaren en icke-exklusiv, icke-överförbar, återkallbar och begränsad licens för att använda grafik, fotografier, bilder, fillayouter, bildmaterial och programverktyg för att kunna skapa och beställa tryckta produkter och tjänster endast genom Fritzells webbplats ( Fritzell förbehåller sig rätten att säga upp denna licens när som helst. Ingen annan nedladdning, användning, publicering, distrubition är tillåten. Användarens åtagande får inte heller vara att ändra, uthyra, allokera, låna, sälja, distribuera eller skapa derivatverk baserat på hemsidan, dess verktyg eller tjänster, helt eller delvis. Webbplatsen och allt dess Innehåll är upphovsrättsskyddad egendom som tillhör Fritzell eller upphovsrättskyddad egendom som tillhör parter från vilka Fritzell har licensierat sådan egendom.


Fritzell ger ingen garanti för:

Att webbplatsen eller dess innehåll kommer att uppfylla användarens behov;

Att webbplatsen eller tjänsten kommer att vara kontinuerlig, snabb, eller felfri;

Att kvaliteten på produkter, tjänster, information eller annat material som köps eller erhållits av användaren via webbplatsen uppfyller användarens förväntningar;

Att färgåtergivning inte skiljer sig från kunds uppfattning då faktorer som material och kunds bildskärmsinställningar kan påverka slutresultatet;

Att eventuella fel kommer att korrigeras.

Fritzell kan inte hållas ansvariga för:

Kunds stavnings-, skiljetecken eller grammatikfel;

Dålig kvalitet eller låg upplösning av uppladdade bilder;

Designfel gjord av kunden under designskapandet;

Felaktiga, tekniska egenskaper av kunds tryckfil;

Felaktigt val av alternativ, såsom: finish, kvantitet eller typ av produkt;

Defekter i produkterna, upptäckta efter att de har levererats till kunden;

Felaktig adressindikering av kunden.

Under inga omständigheter kan Fritzell, dess moder-, syster,- dotterbolag vara ansvariga för dig eller någon tredje parts kostnader eller skador som uppkommer antingen direkt eller indirekt från användning av Fritzells tjänster, produkter, mjukvara inklusive utan begränsning av några faktiska, oförutsedda, betydande, straffbara eller några förluster i intäkter eller affärsmöjligheter av något slag, som uppkommer i någon form genom handling, eller påstående relaterade till detta avtal, tjänsterna som erbjuds av Fritzell eller användning av hemsidans verktyg.


Om du vill framföra klagomål gällande ditt köp ska du vända dig till Om vi inte lyckas hitta en tillfredsställande lösning kan du framföra ditt klagomål till Allmänna reklamationsnämnden. Du kan även vända dig till Europakommissionens portal. Då ett klagomål görs, vänligen ange vår mejladress


Köp av produkter och tjänster på lyder under svensk lagstiftning.

Alla tvister ska avgöras i svensk domstol.

Företagsnamn : Fritzell & Co AB 

Organisationsnummer : 556840-9014 

Adress : Box 183, 263 22 Höganäs 

Kontakt : 

Fritzell & Co AB behandlar din personliga data i enlighet med Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). Läs vår integritetspolicy.

Betalning / Faktura

Dina produkter skickas mot faktura. Fakturan bipackas med din beställning. 

Betalningstiden är 30 dagar från att produkten skickas från oss.

Om betalning inte har mottagits av oss på förfallodagen, debiteras påminnelseavgift om 50 kr samt dröjsmålsränta på det förfallna beloppet till dess full betalning är oss tillhanda. Dröjsmålsränta beräknas enligt vid var tid gällande referensränta med ett tillägg om 24,00 procentenheter.